Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Finding Our Own Paths To Well-Being

Native American Strengths: Finding Our Own Path To Well Being
For years, behavioral health and social workers have used a strength-based approach in helping children and families heal from substance abuse, violence, delinquency and similar issues. With Native families, the approach looks a little different. In the Native world view, it's critical to find balance among the different elements of your life. When our lives go off the rails, we can heal ourselves by discovering what elements are out of balance and finding ways to restore that harmony. When the National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA) asked Native families where their strengths lay, the respondents gave the answers above.

While this approach is perfect for families, it also works for organizations. Join us for a free webinar on a strength-based approach to collaboration in protecting drug endangered children- July 10 at 10 am. Register online here. NICWA instructor Nadja Jones will explore how organizations can work together to improve identification, reporting and intervention for drug endangered children. Feel free to download and share the infographic as a jpg or as a PDF.

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